Who is he? What band?
Black Dahlia Murder from 2009 (Deflorate) and on, formerly of Arsis (We Are The Nightmare) and tons of other guest spots with folks like Christian Muenzner.
Really awesome player and by all accounts a good dude on top of it.
Who is he? What band?
The abundance of NAD's and NGD's in this predominantly metal guitarist community prove otherwise.
Lol. A year from now all the kids will be talking about how "totally metal" PRS is.
I love it when corp. marketing machines demonstrate that members of "individualistic subcultures" are absurdly easy to manipulate and sell to.
Be actual rebels kids, pick up a Gretch or a Dano or a G&L Comanche or any other guitar that people swear you can't play metal on and then kick their ass with it.
When did we forget that it isn't the instruments that make music? It's the musicians.
The new TBDM album has the PRS logo in the liner notes, so I'm gonna say he's still playing PRS guitars with the band.
They come here on Monday, and after our first utilities bill I'm not sure I can go. I was looking forward to this for months
Still waiting to see Brian get some love too,
He'll always be my favorite guitarist. He brought so much life to TBDM's solos (compared to John).
Brian's flat top eclipses are the best.
John played "solos"
I own a Gretsch 6120 and its the last guitar I would play metal on. You might as well play an acoustic into a Triple Rec.