Well, I can see how a righty could make the mistake. But any lefty 7 player knows what models are available to us or not. All have a different degree of hilarity to them.
Now, if you said "I thought the UV did come lefty" I'd pass out from laughter.
I don't want Chris to build a replica of the JP for a couple of reasons.
1) It isn't his expertise. I don't want to be the ginnea pig and have to go through the expected trial and error.
2) It wouldn't have the JP bridge. And I wouldn't want to put a floyd in there. Or even a piezo Ibanez bridge.
3)EBMM doesn't take kindly to builders making replica's of their guitars. They cracked down on Ed Roman who made replacement left handed and right hand JP bodies, and Rondo music who made Stingray knockoffs. I wouldn't want to be responsible for chris getting in shit with EB. I guess his new "privacy protection" thing he's doing, where he doesn't advertise what everyone is having him build helps with this, but I would flaunt the fuck out of a lefty JP7 if I had one made.