How I almost find my dream guitar

  • Thread starter ChinoLhabia
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Active Member
Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Hello fellow sevenstringers:metal:,

I have cool funny story for you guys!

Ill start with al little backstory, I'm a big fan of Wes Borland from Limp Bizkit, he has some cool riffs and different approaches.
And one day I was searching for some interviews with him on YouTube and came across a video where he give's a demostartion with the Ibanez RG7-CST (RG7-PB1VV, RG7-PB2VV). It was the first time I heard of the piezo pickup and it blew my mind. And the beautiful fame maple.

At that time I did not own a 7-string, and wasn't even a good guitar player, but I thought when I'm better I'm going to buy a 7-string and eventually that one.
But dreams fall apart, right at the moment that I found out that there were only 18 or 24 made, and don't show up so often on the internet.

Few years later (now), I was googling the guitar again an found one here for sale, so I directly made a account here and reacted to the post, but I already was to late, he just sold it to some guy in Europe. so I thought: okey cool just wait a few years an wait for another opportunity.

A few days later I found another seller on the Jemsite selling the CST, but the post was like a half year old but could not determinate that it was sold because the post was not closed. So I directly reacted but never got a something back. At that time my detective skills went into maximum to find out who this guy is and if he still got the guitar.

I don't know if I can post names here so Ill change the names for this post

His profile name was ''WillyB'' , but couldn't find anything with that name on the Internet, but he postes his pictures with a Flickr account under the name ''Moonsnuffer''. And also couldn't find anything with that name either.
So I googled ''Willy Moonsnuffer'' and found a forgotten myspace account from him and finally found his real name ''Willy Bag''.
I contacted him there but as I already thought this would be a dead end, and it was. A few days got by but no reaction and none on the Jemsite either.
He also doesn't have a Facebook account. so this man was really off the grid

So back to playing ditective, and found out that he played in an band ''NoLero''.
but when I found the band on Facebook he was one of the founding members but already left the band a long time ago. I contacted the band via Facebook and asked them if they could give me his email so that i can contact him.
the guy who I spoke was a generous guy an cooperated with me and gave Willy his email, but added in our conversation that when he last contacted Willy via that email he got an error, and yes I got one to, so it was a dead end again.

So back at square one. I went over all his account's again to find something I did not see before, and he also had the same guitar for sale here round 2008 and precise the same post on the Jemsite in 2015, and he mention that he always used the name ''Moonsnuffer'' in both posts! that was what I overlooked the first time.
I directly went to Ebay and searched for sellers with the name and found in one of his buyer feedback that he sold the guitar a year ago to an buyer who's name you cant see because of privacy reasons of corse.

So yeah, this was my little journey to finding the Ibanez RG7-CST.
I thought that this would maybe be a good/funny story to share with you guys.

Tell me what you think or If you have a comparable story, or one that ended better than mine.



Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
Funny story! You're really jonesing for one aren't ya? Sorry I had it sold already...

Good luck in your quest to find find one of these glorious pieces of Ibanez greatness!


Active Member
Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Funny story! You're really jonesing for one aren't ya? Sorry I had it sold already...

Good luck in your quest to find find one of these glorious pieces of Ibanez greatness!

Haha no problem, to where in Europe you sold it, because I'm from the Netherlands, just curious.

yea you owned one you should know the feeling to have one of those guitars!

Thank you! ;)
Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
New Jersey
That's some dedication dude. I have a somewhat similar story, but it only lasted for a few months like 7 years ago around 2008-2009. I had just started guitar recently back then and I was looking for another guitar. I was really into the BC Rich shapes back then and I had found out that they made a warlock in green acrylic. I laugh at it now but back then I wanted that guitar so bad. I guess no one thought to put them online back then, because I couldn't find them anywhere aside from expired listings. Every few days I would resume my search until the summer when I finally found one on craigslist. Unfortunately, the guy had listed it for about $700-800 and at that specific time I had between $0 and $50 to my name, so I left it there and watched it every day to make sure he didn't take it down. In about a month I had the money and I contacted him. He responded about two days later with "Sold it like a week ago sorry lol." My interest in it sort of tapered off and I spent the money on a new amp and some other stuff. Looking back at this thing, it's absolutely hilarious. It's so hideous to me now, and after playing a few BC Rich guitars I think it's for the best that I never got my hands on it. It still seems that the warlock in green acrylic is pretty rare. I've seen a few other models like that for sale but not the warlock. Still, if I find one now I think I'll pass.



Active Member
Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
The Netherlands

Cool story! I like those models, but that color? where you smoking some heavy stuff haha. but eventually its a rare collar for a guitar.

you should buy one, hang it on the wall, would be cool!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2015
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That's some dedication dude. I have a somewhat similar story, but it only lasted for a few months like 7 years ago around 2008-2009. I had just started guitar recently back then and I was looking for another guitar. I was really into the BC Rich shapes back then and I had found out that they made a warlock in green acrylic. I laugh at it now but back then I wanted that guitar so bad. I guess no one thought to put them online back then, because I couldn't find them anywhere aside from expired listings. Every few days I would resume my search until the summer when I finally found one on craigslist. Unfortunately, the guy had listed it for about -800 and at that specific time I had between and to my name, so I left it there and watched it every day to make sure he didn't take it down. In about a month I had the money and I contacted him. He responded about two days later with "Sold it like a week ago sorry lol." My interest in it sort of tapered off and I spent the money on a new amp and some other stuff. Looking back at this thing, it's absolutely hilarious. It's so hideous to me now, and after playing a few BC Rich guitars I think it's for the best that I never got my hands on it. It still seems that the warlock in green acrylic is pretty rare. I've seen a few other models like that for sale but not the warlock. Still, if I find one now I think I'll pass.


Probably dodged a bullet there. I imagine it would be heavy and sound crap.

Sermo Lupi

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Probably dodged a bullet there. I imagine it would be heavy and sound crap.

Most of the tone is coming from the pickups and the amp, and it's not like you'll be playing Jazz standards on a green acrylic warlock anyway. With enough gain it'll sound like just about any other metal guitar; enough 'broom handle' guitars and whatever else have been made as proof of that. I'd say that, for its specified purpose, the acrylic probably wasn't hugely detrimental to the tone.